CloseThere are small "hand span" icons placed one below the other between the large icons in the iconostasis. The oldest of them — "Our Lady Eleousa", dated back to the end of the 12th century, comes from Novgorod. The image of the Theotokos combines strict iconographic features of the Hodegetria — literally "She Who Shows the Way" and the Eleousa — tender and merciful Virgin. By combining them, the artist achieves a captivating sincerity in conveying the gentle and touching image of the young mother, who foresees the tragic future of her little son. Once, this icon was adorned not only with a case but also with precious stars attached to the forehead and shoulder of Our Lady. The colour and iconography are unusual — the Virgin Mary is wearing a blue with shades omophorion, while a purple cloth with a golden ornament is thrown over it.